2023 CCMPP
Contamination, Coatings, Materials,
and Planetary Protection Workshop
The 2023 NASA Contamination, Coatings, Materials, and Planetary Protection (CCMPP) Workshop will be hosted in person and virtually September 12, 13 and 14, 2023. This multidisciplinary workshop focused on fostering successful space missions is free of charge and open for attendance to NASA Centers, Industry, Academia, International Organizations, and others interested in the subject matter.
The 2023 CCMPP Workshop will include three days of cutting edge and thought-provoking presentations. This biannual workshop is invaluable in bringing together contamination, coatings, materials, and planetary protection engineers from all over the world to share knowledge collaborate on ideas and examine new technologies for the betterment of space missions.
This multidisciplinary workshop focused on fostering successful space missions is free of charge and open for attendance to NASA Centers, Industry, Academia, International Organizations, and others interested in the subject matter.
This biannual workshop is invaluable in bringing together contamination, coatings, materials, and planetary protection engineers from all over the world to share knowledge collaborate on ideas, and examine new technologies for the betterment of space missions.
At this time, we are accepting abstract submissions for all subjects pertaining to the workshop. We are also very interested in accepting abstracts for aerospace related lessons learned topics in each subject area. Abstract submissions will be due on March 15, 2023.
Registration for the conference will be due on May 1, 2023 for Foreign Nationals attending in person, and September 1, 2023 for virtual attendance. Details and links for virtual participation will be provided to registrants closer to the Workshop.
The 2023 CCMPP Workshop includes three days of speakers and presenters. Additional details and schedules will be posted in the following few weeks. Please contact the event planners if you have questions. See full schedule from the 2017, 2019 and 2021 agendas on the agenda page for reference.
For information, please contact the 2023 CCMPP Committee at 2023_CCMPP_Questions@nasa.onmicrosoft.com